Don't mind me, I'm switching the "In Other News" and the orphan spotlight days, for this week at least.
There are many great adoption programs out there, I just happen to have a heart for Reece's Rainbow. I know not everyone is called to adopt, and not everyone has a ton of money to donate, but you CAN do SOMETHING to help the orphans, and we are all called to do that. If you decide you would love to get involved and help out with Reece's Rainbow getting children with special needs home to their families, this is a list of ways you can help:
1. Share posts and blogs
Perhaps the EASIEST way to be involved and help out, in a major way, is to simply SHARE these blog posts and other posts you see, such as on Facebook and Twitter. It literally takes 5 seconds, and could impact hundreds of new people!
2. Pray for the families and the children
Scroll through the website and just pray for the children and families adopting. Pick a different child or family each week to pray for. Prayer is a very powerful tool.
3. 5/5/5 for Families
This is a program Reece's Rainbow does continually. There are 5 families picked every month to receive this gift towards their adoption. They ask if you'd like to participate, only $5 a month. You can put it on auto-bill on Paypal or pay sometime during the month. On the 5th of every month, they split the "pot" between the 5 families. This is an easy and convenient way to donate to adopting families. You can find it by clicking
here. I have also got a button on my side bar over --> there.
4. Voice of Hope Fund
Voice of Hope Fund helps to keep Reece's Rainbow up and running. It pays for postage, fees, supplies, personnel, etc. It helps this non-profit cover it's bases to stay afloat. You can donate directly to
the voice of hope fund, and that's great, or you can donate to a child. Every time someone donates to a waiting child's grant, 10% of that donation goes into the voice of hope fund.
5. Child of the Month
I also have a button on my sidebar for the child of the month. If you click it, you will be led to their profile page. You can set up auto-bill pay to donate $10-$100 per month to the child of the month. Each month a new child is chosen to have the spotlight. It is used to grow said child's adoption grant as well as expose the child to more potential families, so sharing the child of the month is also encouraged. You can find the child of the month page
by clicking right here.
6. Be A Prayer Warior
This is a program where you chose a child to pray for from the waiting children on the site. You commit to simply praying for them daily. Pray for their family to find them, pray for their grant to grow, pray for their safety and comfort while they wait. You can have a child assigned to you or you can pick a specific child to sign up to pray for.
You can read more about being a prayer warrior and sign up right here.
7. Become a "Family Warrior"
This....this is what I LOVE to do! I have personally had 6 families (and the 10 children they've adopted) to warrior for. I currently have 2 families, for couple more months until they finally go to pick up their son and daughter. Seriously, it's the BEST....okay the other ways of helping are super great too, but this is a fantastic feeling!! You pick a family in process who has an FSP (family sponsorship page) and sign up for it. Then, I have personally been in contact with all of my families on Facebook, you don't have to, but it helps a ton with being able to help them. You pray for them, talk to them (if you're in contact with them), hold little or big fundraisers for them, and donate to them. You don't even NEED to donate to them or spend any money if you don't have it to spare. The goal is just to support them in any way you feel led to. I like to talk to my moms and ask what's going on with the process. I let them vent to me if they are frustrated or tired. Simply asking what they need, and finding a way to help meet that need, is all it takes to be a good family warrior. You walk through the process with them and share in excitements and disappointments, frustrations and joys. The BEST part is when that child comes home, all the work you put into helping them suddenly becomes more than worth it. I still follow all my families, except one, who is no longer on Facebook, and I get so much joy just by seeing them home and thriving. Adoptions run expensive, and sadly, that fact alone drives people away from committing to it. This program is great because it gives hope to families who just don't feel like they can do it alone, and may, in turn, convince a family that it is possible to bring a child home with such support.
You can browse families by clicking here. You can find out more information on this program and sign up here.
8. Become a "Guardian Angel"
This is another program I really love to participate in. You pick one of
the waiting children (click here to see them) from the "Other Angels" (which means they have other special needs besides Down Syndrome) and you advocate for them. Share their profile page to increase awareness that they are waiting. Simply sharing can help their family find them. Also, praying for them is another role in being a guardian angel. These children are sometimes sick, sometimes in a non loving environment, sometimes neglected, sometimes abused, and they need our prayers. Fundraising for them is also a great way to support the child. It doesn't have to be anything big, mowing somebody's yard for $20 once a month or selling some old junk you have in your closets and giving that money to them. Every single penny helps their family be able to more easily afford to bring them home. I have done this with two children. My little girl found her family less than a week after I signed up to be her guardian angel, just by happen chance, and she is home and doing really well. The little boy I advocated for, had a unique situation happen, and so now, once my warrior families are home with their children, I will pick out another child to do this for.
Read more and sign up here.
9. Shop on Amazon
That's right... you can help by shopping online for anything you need! An Amazon Smile account has been set up for RR, and if you use the link when you shop, a portion of your purchase will be donated to RR.
Click here to shop Amazon and help Reece's Rainbow!
10. One Time Donation
Of course you can always go and browse through the families and children and make a one time donation to any of them. They will appreciate it more than you know! Bonus: Donations made through the site are tax deductible.
11. Adopt
Of course this would help for obvious reasons...haha...
So as you can see, there is a vast range of ways to help. Some require financial commitments, but many of them require little to no money spent on your part. Any little way you can get involved is appreciated immensely by myself, everyone at Reece's Rainbow, and the children and families you support.