It's just not enough....ONE post about the reunion just isn't enough! I keep looking at the pictures and wishing the time hadn't gone by so quickly. Wishing that I had one more day with these people. Wishing I had the chance to sit for a whole day with each family and just get to know them better! While at the same time I am wishing all these things, I am just beaming with happiness that I actually got to be there. So why, oh why, is this event such an important thing? I'm glad you asked...kind of....
For these faces, who have not always known the love of family, to celebrate their families.To feel the love of people who love them even though they're not even part of their family. Well, Reece's Rainbow is a family, but I know what I mean. They get to see they're part of a community that loves beyond measure. For them to have a week where they're just "Etta" or "Faith's Daughter" and not labeled or judged for disability. To be accepted and celebrated for exactly who they are, precious and invaluable...worth EVERYTHING!
For these faces, who are the siblings to those adopted siblings which changed their lives forever. For them to connect with other siblings. For them to feel loved and accepted as themselves as well. For them to have a place to see they're not alone in this life changing event. So that they know that adoption is important.
For "Auntie" Andrea and Reece to get the chance to connect personally with all the families that have grown through their ministry that started 10 years ago! For them to get the chance to hug everyone and show that they really care. For the families and advocates to deeper understand what she is all about...what this ministry is all about.
For the families as a whole to have a special time each year to just get away and reconnect to each other. For the mommas and the daddies to get that family vacation with their children. To just spend the time going to the caves or the zoo or the pool and not having to think about work or bills or adulting. To just be parents...who are getting to spend time with their children...time their children won't easily forget. For just a breath of fresh air.
For those adopted through Reece's Rainbow to connect with others adopted through RR as well. For them to be around other kids who have known their loss and pain. For them to know others have been through ups and downs too. For them to feel accepted as one of the group! Mostly, for them just to make friends, life long friends.
For our faces, who are advocates and not adoptive parents (yet). That we can connect with each other, though our presence is few in number at the reunion. That we can see that all our hours of helping to fight for families is worth it! For us to see the children home and doing well! For it to be more real...I mean, these are not just pictures of some kids on the internet....they are actual children with actual needs, actually wanting and needing to be part of a family.
For advocates husbands to see how cute they are! And for advocates to try to convince said husbands that they neeeeeeeed to adopt. (hope he doesn't read my blog, haha) ....but isn't this picture adorable?
And for moments like this:
And this:
And this:
And for us ladies to sit around and talk about adoption...which is a passion for all of us. For mothers to share their fears and hopes with each other. For stories of adoption and fundraising and adjustment times at home. For connecting as new friends, who will soon be old friends, who will be life long friends. And for us advocates who hope to adopt someday to hear the REAL side of adoption and be better prepared for it.
For just relaxing and taking it easy. Doing some fishing, or swimming, or jumping on the big pillow.
For us adults to get to be big kids and play with all the adorable littles and the fantastic bigger kids and other BIG kids.
Mostly, for us to be together as a family unit.
It is not always easy to plan for a getaway. It is expensive and takes time away from work. It is hard for some families to be able to afford the trip. I tell you what though, Andrea asked in a post "tell me Melissa Tilton, was it worth the drive from Kansas? Kristen Matthews, worth the drive from MAINE? Missy Voigts, worth the drive from Florida? Shelby Johnson, worth the drive from Houston?" Kristen answered "Yes!! So worth it!!" Missy answered "Yes!!" Melissa said "Yes!" I gave an "Abso-tootin-lutely!" If you are part of Reece's Rainbow, I encourage you to start making plans to come next year! It is worth it!
If you are reading this and would like to support these reunions and help families to be able to afford to come through grants, you can donate to the 2017 reunion on the button below or the button on my sidebar: